CPC: The Podcast

When you think of the perfect podcast what comes to mind? Good audio quality? Riveting tales of the past? Comedic observations that leave you rolling on the floor with laughter #ROFL? Unfortunately, CPC: The Podcast has none of those things. Listen to Bryn, Jilly, and Matthew chat. It's alright...

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Monday May 25, 2020

WE APOLOGIZE FOR OUR HIATUS. Life is crazy sometimes and so is this episode! Bryn, Jilly, and Matthew talk about the importance of Facebook and why hackers are so bad!

Friday May 08, 2020

This episode we explore bathroom troubles, the White Castle Crave Mobile, and Twilight Chokers... TONS OF FUN

Tuesday Apr 28, 2020

This episode was recorded after a long day of quarantine lounging. Harry Styles, identity theft, and shared toilet pipes are discussed...
Email us a question at: cpcthepodcast@gmail.com

CPC: The Podcast 1: Moon Shoes

Saturday Apr 25, 2020

Saturday Apr 25, 2020

When you think of the perfect podcast what comes to mind? Good audio quality? Riveting tales of the past? Comedic observations that leave you rolling on the floor with laughter #ROFL? Unfortunately, CPC: The Podcast has none of those things. Listen to Bryn, Jilly, and Matthew chat. It's alright...
Email us a question, comment, or concern at: cpcthepodcast@gmail.com

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